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Day 42 : God and beliefs

 March 4, 2021

I never believed in God. I always felt like there was something bigger than me but not the typical image of God created by the Christians. My perception of God was an energy that exist around us and that is powerful than everything and everyone. I thought that it was more like the universe itself. Actually, it is really similar of how Christians imagine the God they are believing in.
I wasn't praying this energy but I was sometimes asking to this energy to help me when I was in trouble or when I really wanted something to happen. How stupid?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we all have been programmed to think that we are less than what we can really be so we can stay enslaved in the system without asking any questions.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have been raised with religious family members and that my perception of God was coming from religion.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be delusional and ask things to something that exist just in my mind and live through hope and believe that things will magically appear by itself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that an energy was powerful than everything and everyone.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to act the same way as every religious person - with beliefs and hope.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there was no powerful forces that will have help me do my things and that it was in fact, just the result of me living through fear or desires and who didn't want to take any actions to get out of the trouble or make any effort to obtain what I wanted.

I realize that religion , God, love and light and spirituality exists only to keep the humanity busy with delusional beliefs to make sure that nobody find out the real solution to make this world a better place. I also realize that the system is design for us human being to think that we will never reach the point of equality with "God" or with whatever we have been brainwashed with and that  God is in fact the physical.

I commit myself to show that beliefs are bullshit and that only the certainty of the self can be trusted.

I commit myself to show the Desteni material to those who are ready to listen.
I commit myself to be equal and one with the word God.


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