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Day 36 : Is the emotional stability can prevent a car accident ?

 February 25, 2021

 I was on the road two days ago and the temperature was pretty bad, the vision was limited but I was seeing that there was a car in front of me plus a big 18 wheels truck in front of the car. I was staying far enough of them just to prevent because the road was excessively slippery as well. And than, out of nowhere the huge truck push on the brakes right after the big curve because there was men who were doing construction and nobody has seen the sign ( if there was one ) and, the car in front of me was about to hit the truck but he just made a 180 degree and he grazed the snow banc. I had to put the brake as well because I was about to hit the truck too but the car wasn't stopping, so I had the choice to hit the truck, the car on the right or the other one who was coming on the left. I was totally aware of my environment, I had the total control of my car and on top of that, I had no emotional reaction toward the situation, I was completely calm and in the moment, the only thing was that my heart was beating kind of really fast but my mind was completely shut down. Everything happened so fast and I became aware of my heart beating only after we all continue our way.

Most people that are imply in an accident are not aware of the anxiety within them and how it could affect their movement in that kind of situation and most of the time, they will blame the other drivers for what happened. I am saying that because that is what I have heard from people who had an accident before. When that happened to me, I was completely neutral and focus on not hitting anybody and keeping the control of the car. I never felt an ounce of anger or negativity. I was just like okay, shit happened, everybody is okay so let's continue the day.  

It was really fascinating for me because it proves that I have grown so much in my process. I would have normally freak out and react emotionally and get so anxious that something bad would have possibly happen. It proves me that emotional stability is useful in every single sphere and situation of our lives. If someone would have told me that emotional stability can prevent accident before, I wouldn't have believe him, I would have think that this is ridiculous but now that I developed my awareness more and more,  it is actually making a lot of sense.The fact I didn't experience mental fear and only have a physical fear/reaction inside of me has make a huge difference on how I responded to the situation in the physical world.  


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