December 15, 2020
Here I am, first time writing a blog and I don't know exactly what topic I should write about. Writing blogs means exposing my mind to others and if I keep doing self-forgiveness on my own and not showing it to anybody, I will never evolved in my process and it will only nourished my secret mind. I am experiencing a lot of emotional reactions towards this writing like - fear of judgment, uncertainty, anxiety The human nature tempt to always compare itself to others and I have an hard time telling my ego to shut up on this particular point as well. Do I really don't know what to write about or it is just a mechanism of defense that my mind is using to holding me back from doing it ? and producing multiples negatives thoughts about my own self.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid writing blogs knowing that avoiding mean that I am accepting a limitation within myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience some negatives emotional reaction towards my first writing because I was in fact only scared of exposing my mind to others.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed my self to see that the fear of judgment is in fact a pure reflection of me judging my own self.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself with others and thinking I am not good enough to write blogs when in fact it was just an excuse create by the ego mind to not doing it.
When and as I see myself having some resistance towards writing blogs and share with others, I stop and breathe. I realize that all of those emotional reactions that I experienced before and during the writing was due to a lack of confidence that I experience since a very young age and that I always had this pattern within me because I was not self-honest and wanted to stay in my secret mind. I realize that I was just suppressing my emotions and feeling instead of facing it because it was way much easier than taking 100% responsibility of it so I do know what to write about it was only my mind that was messing with me.
I commit myself to be self-honest by exposing my mind to others by writing one blog a day even if I don't want or feel to do it.
I commit myself to be more aware of my thoughts and always assist myself with breathing and also neutralize it completely with the tools I have which is Self-forgiveness and Techno Tutor.
I commit myself to take 100% responsibility of my life and face my fears breathe by breathe instead of suppressing myself and let my ego win on me.
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